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First term Holiday.

seems to me that everybody is off to somewhere cool this holiday.
me too.
i'm holidaying in Sandakan! =.=

gosh i got stuck here.
missed shopping real badly,
baju, jeans, and more shirts.

i'll study a bit,
not much, just to stay consistent.
not consistent, improving.

this sucks so much.


i hope i don't look wrong bringing a bottle to school.
'cause i want to start drinking more water.
im stuck at sandakan for the rest of the holiday,
so Daryl is buying me the bottle.
NIKE lagi.

i feel like studying during the holiday.
i suck?
go on.

curse those physics papers.
they were all from my book.
but i didn't read it.

three more exam days to endure,
with only chemistry to be the real pain in the ass.
rajin rajin la belajar ahh.
i have to buckle up.
a lot.

been in a slight trouble recently,
but managed to survive.
i didn't drown and die.

problems are't that bad.
they serve as an indicator.
that you are still alive.
'cause when u don't have anything to worry about,
you're dead.

i better start some more book-flippings.
hmm, maybe i'll prepare my ears for the lectures about my results.
hell effing yeah.


Cause i really always knew that my little crime,
would be cold thats why i got a heater for your thigh.
and i know, i know it's not your time.
But bye bye.
And a word to the wise when the fire dies,
you think it's over but it's just begun.
But baby don't cry.
You had my heart, at least for the most time.
Cause everybody's got to die sometime,
we fell apart, let's make a new start.
Cause everybody's got to die sometime, yeah.
But baby don't cry.

(i was soulsinging this during exam. effing genius songwriter)




no more fooling around.
i really need to work hard now.
it's my last year for God's sake.
okay okay,
let's see what i can do.


knock, knock.

i heard knockings on the door.


the motion

even though i studied add maths a lot,
i don't really see improvements.
should i give up?
if i really am imrpoving,
i'm at a snail's pace.
maybe even slower.

Daddy is gonna be off again 2morrow.
he's like staying at home for three or four days,
then leave again.
before that, we had a studio photo session.
posing is so hard.
the photographer was like,
"your hands, up a bit, no, little bit.
yeah, look up, your eyes at me, broaden the shoulder,
oook, don't close your eyes=.="

gonna do something to my hair soon.
before exam starts.

CHEMISTRY madness.

ughh, another test.
so now we are dealing with form 5 chemistry chapters.
i greeted the first flip of the book with a BIG yawn.

i read the "carbon compunds" first, it's more interesting.
then the "rate of reaction",
which made me struggle to stay awake.

May God guide me in the test 2morrow,
and maybe give me a pass.


I'm falling.

i strode across the plain of emptiness,
looking for a spark of bright.
and there, a glitter of hope,
waving, eager for curiosity.

i touched the spark,
and put my sense of sight in control.
there's a fingerprint,
on the very spark.
i stared, and my Sight closed,
too bright the spark shone.
my hopes diminished,
the gaps too big a step.
i glanced up the blue,
i see glitters,
so much more, so much else.

i whispered to the One.
to let the plague end.
i pleaded the Mighty,
to let Nature take course.
my soul too weak,
to endure this nemesis.


Laughing Out LOUD.

mum: can mummy borrow ur phone?
me: why?
mum: want to play a game, so bored.
me: ehh, got any nice game meh.?
mum: yes.
me: what?
mum: the snake2.
me: bwahahaha!
mum: zzzz.
me: nahhh. :DDD



midnight outing.

hell yeah, iron man 2.

thanks to Daryl the driver haha.
went to watch it at night.
late night.
it is mind-blowing, the technology.
aiyeh said there'll be a real iron man in 2099.
transformer? year 5000.

had fun anyway.
stuck at the cinema for an hour waiting for the movie.
went back on the next day :)
1 am.

thnks for the night people.
looking forward for another one.

forgot to mention this,
i lost my RM50.



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