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today's word: hypocrisy

dear fakers(i mean fakers),

a hypocrite must tell the truth.

another for the day.

i was planning for a nothing-but-guitar week,
but i guess the plan has to wait.
i have:
-sivik folio
-moral folio
-sindex draft
-bm presentation
-bm drama script

to do.

so much, yeah, so much.
i will salute myself if i manage to finish all these.
and how about EXAM??

lets see, there're 17 days left from now.
26 april 2010.
im cracking up.


a few steps closer.

hello Synyster Gates.

i'm drawing closer to you,
yet still far away.
i guess a day doesn't really get someone anywhere.
let's see where i am after a week.

i'm idolising you,
and i'll say that you got me.
you pawned me. hahaha.

i'm continuing the perilous journey,
and we'll meet someday,
when we stand at equal.


u change when u have to.

it's not a case where i have to,
but yeah, it worked well enough.

i "resumed" my dota career just recently.
all these times, i was trying to be a grown up,
by not playing games.
but a bad idea it was.
i couldn't concentrate in studies.
ohh i get it now,
you shouldn't rush, take your time and simply be childish.
i am having satisfiable marks now.
they will increase soon :)

oh and my other friends?
they are playing too.
so i might as well get into the circle.


Heroes Of Newerth.

Live from Bandar Maju.



i have TONNES of pending homeworks to do.
sorry very much teachers,
my apologies.



i brought my NIKE out today.
i cant stand looking at the smudges on it.
and some wrinkles.
well, that's how they end up anyway.


something random. NOT.

i turned 17 today.
oh today was a blast.
really. :)

thanks to everyone for the wishes.
i appreciate them much.
and thanks for my family.
they didn't forget my birthday!

not forgetting 5E, terima kasih banyak2.
i was so into add maths,
that i had a shock when u all sang so loud.
well, i won't forget this.
it will forever be SAVED in my HARD DISK.
damn, i'm "metaphoring".



i hated him for some time.

yup. he's talented.

i like him now.

Justin Bieber.


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